Enjoy $1.00 samples of lectures and original sheet music from David Friesen jazz education network, so you can have the chance to experience the quality of everything being sold at this jazz education e-shop
Who is DAVID FRIESEN: Legendary American Jazz musician: bassist, pianist, composer and educator | listed in a recent music educators poll as one of 25 most influential jazz bassists in the history of jazz | listed in a jazz critics poll as one of 100 greatest jazz bass players in the history of jazz | Inducted into the Oregon Music Hall of Fame | Inducted into the Portland, Oregon Jazz Society Hall of Fame | presenting his original master classes worldwide in over 32 countries including the USA | more info

Topic: Absence of condemnation | Type: recorded video jazz lesson / lecture |

Topic: A healthy diet for the jazz musician | Type: recorded video jazz lesson / lecture |

Topic: Learning from the jazz Masters! | Type: recorded video jazz lesson / lecture |

PDF Jazz Sheet Music | David Friesen original WALTZ style jazz compositions

PDF Jazz Sheet Music | David Friesen original WALTZ style jazz compositions